+250 798 686 314

Jobs Opportunity

Our Business is not to Graduate MSc and PhD Students in Socioeconomic Studies only, but rather bring Graduates that Eliminate Poverty and its Spillovers Globally.

Jobs Opportunity

The quality of the graduates targeted by the SIAS programs will carry various title competencies whether they work as employees, or social entrepreneurs, or specialise as community change leaders. Even though certain titles such as the ‘Inspiration Economy Expert’ was not listed in the list of possible job opportunities are listed in the SIAS Business Plan., to mention just a few, an Inspiration Economy graduate can assume:

  • Chief Inspiration Officer
  • Socioeconomy Expert (Specialist)

Besides mentioning a sample of the type of industries, all the graduates of the SIAS programs are trained to be self-employed, i.e. not dependent on employment agencies. The main income for any of the SIAS graduates would come from ‘social-for-profit’ projects, consultancy, freelancing and mentoring.

PhD in Inspiration Economy jobs opportunity