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Besides the Investment of its Founder for about USD $500,000 in the Facilities of SIAS, which are going to be opened once accredited (hopefully by June 2023), all pioneer world leaders, positive change advocates, angel investors, and even those that really it is time to change toward better socioeconomic human centred standards are called upon to invest by only USD $100 per donation which would help the institute become a trust over three years plan and would help to meet the running cost of more than USD $150,000 per year.
✔ It would help to sponsor students from developing and under-developed communities that would be prepared to be leaders in eliminating poverty and similar complex and chronic socioeconomic challenges.
✔ You would participate directly in sponsoring the postgraduate students to continue working with vulnerable communities during their MSc and PhD programs and bring original solutions (models) to the world.
✔ You would help to achieve the goal of sustaining SIAS and its mission through easing of turning it into a ‘self-sustained’ socioeconomic advancement ‘trust’ that would improve the level of the competency of humans towards complex contemporary and future foresighted issues.
about this initiative, you communicate directly with SIAS Founder:
Dr Mohamed Buheji
✔ USD $ Account No. 4001200987342
✔ International Swift Code: CITIUS33
✔ Rwandan Franc Account No. 4001200987338
✔ International Swift Code: CITIUS33