+250 798 686 314

Jobs opportunity

Our Business is not to Graduate MSc and PhD Students in Socioeconomic Studies only, but rather bring Graduates that Eliminate Poverty and its Spillovers Globally.

Jobs Opportunity

The quality of the graduates targeted by the SIAS programs will carry various title competencies whether they work as employees, social entrepreneurs, or specialise as community change leaders.

The following job titles or specialities, listed in Table (1) below, are expected to be one of the products of the MRE program; however, it is worth noting that the job opportunities are not limited to this list, and the graduates in this program would carry some of all these title competencies whether they work as employees or entrepreneurs. The real differentiation of the graduates of this program is their multidisciplinary background and their capacity to create a value-added contribution in approximately every field. Despite the fact that it is the top job that the MRE program would produce, the title job of ‘Resilience Economy Expert’ was not listed at the top since it is not known yet; however, the foresight that this job comes as high demand over the next 5 to 7 years.

Besides mentioning a sample of the type of industries, all these products (the type of jobs and graduates) of the PRE program can be self-employed. The main income would come from social-for-profit projects, consultancy, freelancing and mentoring.

MSc in Resilience Economy jobs opportunity