Blended learning is thought to be, now, after the COVID-19 pandemic, the best model suitable for delivering post-graduate programs, including in the most popular MBA programs. The IIEP expects the faculty of the university to be part of a network of faculty from the collaborating / partnering universities where the blended learning would be delivered from international expertise that would share the experiences of the program execution and benchmark the student’s achievements in creating change during- or post-graduation stage. The blended learning would ensure that both the staff and the students get acquainted with the concept of inspiration economy programs and that they get instant technical support when needed.
There are mainly three constructs of the MIE blended learning model: (A) Direct Online Lecturing and Flip Class + (B) Independent online learning (class available on Website can be accessed at the student's convenient time) + (C) Direct fact to face projects and assessments in collaboration with the partnering university. The length or the weight emphasis of each of the three constructs would depend on the collaborating university's commitment to the program, the way they see the program would sell or be appreciated by the targeted stakeholders and the competency of the university faculty.
The other benefits of the MIE blended learning model are that it would enhance the Inspiration Economy Alumni and faculty community, where the experiences of the MIE projects would be shared, and the learning would be accelerated